Monday 9 December 2013

Wsp Solution file add,Install,Update,Uninstall,Remove using with Powershell

To Add the Solution in Sharepoint
Add-SPSolution C:\YourFolder\SampleWebPart.wsp
To Install the Solution to your Sharepoint
Install-SPSolution -identity SampleWebPart.wsp -WebApplication http://yoursharepointserver -GACDeployment
To Update your Solution in Sharepoint
you will need this if you want to update the Webpart that is already installed
Update-SPSolution –Identity SampleWebPart.wsp –LiteralPath C:\YourFolder\SampleWebPart.wsp –GACDeployment
Now if something went horribly wrong or you just want to uninstall it you have to run this two commands
To Uninstall a Solution in Sharepoint
Uninstall-SPSolution –Identity SampleWebPart.wsp –WebApplication http://yoursharepointserver
Remove a solution from Sharepoint
Remove-SPSolution –Identity SampleWebPart.wsp

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