Sunday 24 August 2014

Document Set

How to create document set in SharePoint 2010

Document Set is used to manage set of documents as a single object
It is a new feature introduced in Share Point 2010.

Advantages of using Document Set in Share Point 2010.

Work Flow can be associated to a whole document set.
We can upload project related documents in Document set.
We can maintain the version of all related documents using Document set.
We can manage permissions easily.
We can able to set customizable welcome page for Document Set.
We can download all the zip files easily by using Document Set.
There is no limit that no of documents exit in Document set.

Folders also used to manage set of documents as a single object.
But for folders we can't start work flow.
Customizable welcome page for all document sets.

Now I will Explain How to Create Document Set.

Navigate to your share point Site Actions->Site Settings.

Navigate to Site Collection Administration ->Site collection features

By default I will not active, click on that feature to Activate

 Now I am creating a document library I give name as Document Set.

Click on that Created Document Library ->Navigate to Library Settings.
Navigate to General settings->Click on Advanced Settings

Allow Management of content types to Yes.

Click OK.

In Library settings page we can able to see Content Types.
Click on Add from existing site content types.

In Available site Content Types->Select Document Set->Add  
Click OK.
Now we want to give name for Document set.
Navigate to Library settings->Content Types->Click on Document Set

Click on Name and Description tab->Enter Name ->Click OK

 Now click on Created document library Name → Document tab

Go to New Document->
Now we are able to see the created document set with name Share Point Project
Click on that Share point Project ,I am give name as Project Documents and Click Ok.

Now are able to seen the created document set

Now are able to seen the created document set

Click on that Project Documents.
Click on documents tab->Click on Upload Document.

Now we are able to see my uploaded documents.

- See more at:

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